Garbage/Recycling Collection
What can go in the recycling bin?
Loraas Disposal Services Ltd of Saskatoon provides garbage & recycling pickup to residents and businesses within the Town of Aberdeen.
"Organic' services begin on May 15 and goes until October 16, 2024 and is on Wednesdays, the day after Recycling. Organic bins are optional at a cost of $14/month. Waste/Recycling carts are picked up on alternate weeks.
Residential pickup is billed every month in conjunction with water and sewer. If you are renovating or temporarily require further garbage collection services, please contact Loraas directly at 242 – 2300.
Please note the following requirements for roadside waste:
- Carts must be at roadside by 7:00am on Tuesdays
- If you have more than 1 cart you are putting out please ensure they are 4 feet apart
- All waste material must be bagged to avoid wind blown litter
- Waste containers should be level full with lids closed
- NO disposal of construction material, sod, roofing, cement or other heavy material allowed
- Maximum weight per cart 22kg
- Please DO NOT dispose of any hazardous material
- Please return carts to a safe residence location after collection. For Safety reasons, please do not leave at roadside
- See & add attached notes for recycling
Refuse Transfer Station
In conjunction with the RM of Aberdeen No. 373, the Town of Aberdeen operates a refuse transfer station. It is located at: SW 12-39-03-W3rd
To get to it, take Central Ave. north out of town, then take the first left. The refuse transfer station is on the north side of the road about ½ mile from Central Ave. The Transfer Station is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Effective September 1, 2013 the Town of Aberdeen and the RM of Aberdeen No. 373 will be implementing a "User Pay System" at the Aberdeen Transfer Station. There will be $1, $5 and $10 tokens available for purchase at the R.M. Office, Town Office and Gido's Store. The Transfer Station officer will not accept any cash. Tokens must be presented at time of drop off. Please see the rate schedule below.
Household: Garbage Bag(s) - $1.00 each.
Truck Loads: Half Ton Truck (1/2 full) - $10.00, Half Ton Truck (full) - $25.00, One Ton Truck - $50.00, Three Ton Truck - $100.00.
Appliances: Fridge, Stove, Dryer, Clothes Washer, Dishwasher, Deepfreeze, BBQ, etc. - $15.00 each item.
Miscellaneous (each): $10.00.
Scrap Metal: FREE
Leaves, Branches, Grass Clippings (bags of clippings or leaves must be opened and dumped at the designated site otherwise fees will apply): FREE
Please note that the refuse transfer station WILL NOT accept the following materials:
- Construction / renovation waste (including shingles)
- Tires
- Oil and/or oil containers
- Batteries
- Animal parts and/or carcasses
- Farm Chemical Containers
The municipality will not tolerate garbage being dumped on municipal roads. There is a $500.00 fine for anyone caught dumping garbage in the municipality, and the municipality will prosecute anyone who fails to pay the fine.
Further recycling bins are available at the refuse transfer station.